Sunday, June 18, 2023

About The Show

Authors, readers, bookstagrammers, book promoters, book clubs, publishing houses, and writing organizations are all raving about the success of LAUNCH PAD’s unique format in providing authors and readers alike with an opportunity to celebrate and share bookish news.
The use of both Facebook and radio platforms provides guests with broad exposure and an interactive format. The show goes live on Facebook where guests can invite their followers to listen, comment, and ask questions. The show then airs on Authors on the Air Global Radio Network in both audio and video platforms in 153 countries. Authors on the Air has over 2 million social media friends, listeners, and readers.

• LAUNCH PAD is a collaboration between Grace Sammon, Author Marketing Coach Mary Helen Sheriff, Authors on the Air Global Radio Network, and Bookish Road Trip.

• The on-air format features up to four guest authors in a 30-minute episode. Each episode is audio and video.

• Grace guides her guests through questions about their new releases and each author’s journey to this moment. The authors also pose questions and interact with each other.

• Each guest receives graphic art appropriate for social media posting highlighting their appearance on the show. They also receive the appropriate links to repost to their platforms.

• Each episode is promoted prior to air dates across the platforms noted above.

• Each guest is expected to cross-promote each author, multiplying the “reach” for each author.

• Each guest is invited to participate in a season of monthly group marketing session via zoom with Author Marketing Coach Mary Helen Sheriff.

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