1. Did you like the book? Why, why not?
2. What did you learn from the novel?
3. Which character do you identify with most? Least? Why?
4. Who did you like the most? Least? Why?
5. Erica, in many ways, is the turning point for the novel. In what ways do you agree with this statement?
6. We don’t get to meet Run and Adam, what do you know and feel about them?
7. What do you think of the themes of honesty, truth, fact, fiction and lying throughout the book?
8. Jessica has kept a huge secret, in fact, she lies. How does this make you feel about her?
9. Sonia never lies. What does this make you think about her?
10. Sonia says that she believes that in large measure we can write our own stories, change the ending. What evidence do you see of this in the book or in your own life?
11. What role do individual’s perceptions play in the storyline? Does it make sense? How do you know the truth of an event?
12. Jessica seems to get stories and information from the other characters that they don’t share with each other. Why do you think this is?
13. Jessica tries to define what love, falling in love, and being in love means. Is she in love? Do those things mean different things at different points in life?
14. Is Jessica religious? Are the others? What role does religion play in the story?
15. What do you think of the lessons Jessica chooses to catalogue?
16. Jessica states on several occasions that she felt she didn’t deserve something. How does that play out for her?
17. If you were to sum up the message of each character, what would it be?
18. How does the theme of regret play out in the book?
19. There is no interview with Elizabeth. What do we really know about her? We don’t get to hear the conversation about ‘reach.’ What is the ‘reach’ of each character?
20. Why do Jessica and Elizabeth have the bond they do?
21. Why does Erica feel so connected to Jessica?
22. Do the characters have a moral compass?
23. Does Jessica decide her future, or does she let others shape her future?
24. Do we know Jessica, or do we have other’s impressions of her?
25. How important is Jesper?
26. What do you think will happen between Jesper and the rest of his ‘family?’
27. The last few chapters of the book are unexpected. How does this position the characters for the future? What is the lesson of those chapters?
28. Do you have a favorite line or scene from the book?
29. What do you think happens in the coming years for the characters?
30. The novel follows a musical path—overture, theme, and coda. Does this work for you? Why, why not?
31. The core of the book is the bond between mothers and their children, “other mothers,” and the life lessons we share or miss. Discuss this
3. Which character do you identify with most? Least? Why?
4. Who did you like the most? Least? Why?
5. Erica, in many ways, is the turning point for the novel. In what ways do you agree with this statement?
6. We don’t get to meet Run and Adam, what do you know and feel about them?
7. What do you think of the themes of honesty, truth, fact, fiction and lying throughout the book?
8. Jessica has kept a huge secret, in fact, she lies. How does this make you feel about her?
9. Sonia never lies. What does this make you think about her?
10. Sonia says that she believes that in large measure we can write our own stories, change the ending. What evidence do you see of this in the book or in your own life?
11. What role do individual’s perceptions play in the storyline? Does it make sense? How do you know the truth of an event?
12. Jessica seems to get stories and information from the other characters that they don’t share with each other. Why do you think this is?
13. Jessica tries to define what love, falling in love, and being in love means. Is she in love? Do those things mean different things at different points in life?
14. Is Jessica religious? Are the others? What role does religion play in the story?
15. What do you think of the lessons Jessica chooses to catalogue?
16. Jessica states on several occasions that she felt she didn’t deserve something. How does that play out for her?
17. If you were to sum up the message of each character, what would it be?
18. How does the theme of regret play out in the book?
19. There is no interview with Elizabeth. What do we really know about her? We don’t get to hear the conversation about ‘reach.’ What is the ‘reach’ of each character?
20. Why do Jessica and Elizabeth have the bond they do?
21. Why does Erica feel so connected to Jessica?
22. Do the characters have a moral compass?
23. Does Jessica decide her future, or does she let others shape her future?
24. Do we know Jessica, or do we have other’s impressions of her?
25. How important is Jesper?
26. What do you think will happen between Jesper and the rest of his ‘family?’
27. The last few chapters of the book are unexpected. How does this position the characters for the future? What is the lesson of those chapters?
28. Do you have a favorite line or scene from the book?
29. What do you think happens in the coming years for the characters?
30. The novel follows a musical path—overture, theme, and coda. Does this work for you? Why, why not?
31. The core of the book is the bond between mothers and their children, “other mothers,” and the life lessons we share or miss. Discuss this