In Her Voice


I have always been a writer. In so many ways, it feels like my best language. There is something magical about that split second between when my brain forms the thought and the time it takes that thought to traverse down my arms to pen or keyboard and then for that thought to arrive in a splash of words on the page or screen that feels, each time, like a wonder. 

As a child, I would write stories and loved doing book reports. My first jobs all entailed writing and public speaking. I love all aspects of writing from the technical, to the research-based, to the creative. The pure act of creating words laced together pleases me and hopefully brings enjoyment to others.

Perhaps one of the most creative, difficult, and fun projects was the creation of Metro MANIA: The Great Train Ride Through Washington™. MANIA is an interactive street and board game experience that facilitates students’ use of public transportation while they gain an appreciation for the employment and cultural offerings of the Nation’s Capital. The experience game was featured in a PBS documentary on what is making a difference in Washington, DC’s challenged communities.

An unexpected joy in my writing career was the release of my debut novel, The Eves. I did not anticipate that its release, during the height of the pandemic, would lead to so many followers, speaking and writing opportunities, deep involvement in social media, and the advent of my two award-winning radio shows. 


A key message of The Eves is that 'we are never done.' I’m so glad that my characters taught me that. At almost 70 I think there are many adventures ahead.

At the moment I’m not doing as much writing as I would like. I have ideas for three novels sketched out, but they don’t really have legs yet. I love creating and right now my creative talents may be leading me to the creation of a non-profit organization. While all this takes unfolds, as it should and will. I’m just grateful that you visited here today. Thank you.



"During my years as an educational consultant, I authored eight manuals on school-to-career transition, and multiple articles on organizational change, school partnerships, and staff development. While my team and I worked mostly in high schools across the country, we also had the privilege of developing and authoring five integrated curricular pieces for use in middle schools.
"Perhaps one of the most creative, difficult, and fun projects was our creation of Metro MANIA: The Great Train Ride Through Washington™. MANIA is an interactive street and board game experience that facilitates students’ use of public transportation while they gain an appreciation for the employment and cultural offerings of the Nation’s Capital. The experience game was featured in a PBS documentary on what is making a difference in Washington, DC’s challenged communities.
"At the moment I’m not doing as much writing as I would like. I have ideas for three novels sketched out, but they don’t really have legs yet. There’s some talk among some fellow authors about creating an anthology based on my book Battling The Hamster Wheel: Strategies for High School Improvement. While these take shape, I’m happy to be a guest blogger on blog sites and I am loving doing the research and writing the script outlines for The Storytellers. I’m also enjoying simply writing each month for my community newspaper."

                  Watch The Eves Trailer

Grace’s Books Include:
Sharp Tips for Exceptional Writing, eBook, Red Penguin Books/Author Talk Network, June 2022 (designer, contributing author)
Work In Progress, Three Dogs Write Press, January 2022 (contributing author)
The Eves, June 2020, world-wide release, UpStream Press, December, 2020.
Creating and Sustaining Small Learning Communities: Strategies and Tools for Transforming High Schools, Corwin Press 2008.
Battling the Hamster Wheel™ Strategies for Making High School Reform Work, Corwin Press, 2007
Creating Small Learning Communities, UpStream Press, 2005

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