Saturday, June 17, 2023

Episode 52 - Laura Kemp is on The Storytellers - 2022-08-22


Laura is a teacher who loves to write about her home state of Michigan. She has a B.A. in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University where she studied under Stuart Dybek. Her multiple short fictions have been widely published as has her poetry. These works, in connection to her impressive number of combine into dually- demanding careers and a wealth of things to talk about. Her work has won numerous awards including an IPPY and an IAN.
When not writing, Laura enjoys musical theatre, hiking, swimming, reading and performing with her Celtic band. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and children as well as her dog, two hamsters, two gerbils, ten chickens, two horses and eight (and counting) cats. Find out more about Laura and her work here.


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