Saturday, June 17, 2023

Episode 59 - A Mother’s Journey with Maralee McLean - 2022-10-10


MARALEE MCLEAN is a child advocate, domestic violence expert, national professional speaker, and author of PROSECUTED BUT NOT SILENCED: Courtroom Reform for Sexually Abused Children. Maralee has written several articles for the ABA Child Law Journal, Women’s E-News, Ms. Magazine and many other publications on the problems of family courts not protecting abused children. Maralee is with Women’s Media Center (WMC), SheSourceExpert, NPEIV (National Partnership to End Interpersonal Violence) and is with APB Speakers and RAINN speaker bureau, Child USA Ambassador, and the APSAC (American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children) and the Executive Director MFB (Moms Fight Back). She speaks at conferences, law schools and is a spokesperson for protective mothers. Her passion for advocacy developed through living a mother’s worst nightmare. Fighting the system with body and soul, she gained the insight that this was not her nightmare alone. She organized a National Rally of Mothers at the Colorado State Capitol and has been involved in legislative work that spans over two decades. Passed Julie’s Law in Colorado named after her daughter HB21-1228. She testified before Congress to promote judicial accountability to better protect sexually abused children’s rights in our courts. Maralee’s story has been covered by many media outlets and internationally CNN and on Insider Exclusive Justice in America. Learn moree here.


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